Get more people engaged in planning applications
Connect with our 210k-strong engaged community wanting to hear more about projects in their area.
Simplify planning application notices with prioritised information, images and clear calls to action.
The iconic Commonplace Heatmap has been adapted, doubling as an index for planning applications and making them easier to find.
Map-based filtering, where users can save their search and receive notifications of future applications.
Build trust through clarity of information
Lead with images, 3D mapping and a timeline to make the experience visual and representative of the impact on the neighbourhood.
Make the experience modern, mobile-friendly and familiar to make community engagement as easy and enjoyable as online shopping.
Increase your chances of positive comments
Build an understanding of engagement and conversion metrics so you can identify which types of information or images convert best.
Understand the origins of your website traffic to identify geographical or socio-demographic gaps in engagement.
Analyse the comments using our TagsAI and TopicsAI to extract key themes in text-based comments.
Drive further engagement through collaboration
Neighbours explore what’s already been said about a proposal before putting together their own thoughts or adding their ‘agreement’ to an existing comment.
Visitors to each planning application can sign up to follow a planning application as it progresses or subscribes to all / more planning applications in the area.
Use the option to reply to individual comments and send status updates, information updates or news on each planning application, we recommend you continue through the build stage for major applications.
Plan Apps by Commonplace is designed to help you reach your community, engage them in conversation, analyse their feedback and collaborate on future ideas. Use Commonplace as your online community engagement hub and build trust and transparency with local people.
Promote and build awareness of your engagements and get more people to participate.
Collect suggestions and ideas from your community on a range of different topics
Explore and understand real-time community insight with ease.
Continually engage throughout the process, share updates and build trust.