Genuine community engagement requires everyone to understand each other. For respondents, attempting to understand in anything other than their mother tongue can be challenging. Transform your content using either machine-led or human-led translations to allow users to pick their preferred language.
Set up any Commonplace in multiple languages to maximise your reach. We're not just talking about the main page and the questions... platform emails, news, and contributions will also be translated.
With our tools, you won't wait weeks to get your work translated. Our machine-led engine will turn translations around in no time and give your engagement the va va voom it deserves.
When it comes to language translation, Commonplace is able to accommodate over 280 languages. Just let us know which you need!
With Commonplaces in Asia and urban centres within the United Kingdom, we've taken the opportunity to adapt the platform for right-to-left scripts, such as Arabic and Urdu.
While reaching all parts of the community is vital to achieving results in co-design, your analyst team won't necessarily be literate in all languages used by respondents.
Use the Commonplace dashboard to translate free text comments into your preferred language before processing for free text analysis using our natural language processing tools.
Promote and build awareness of your engagements and get more people to participate.
Collect suggestions and ideas from your community on a range of different topics
Explore and understand real-time community insight with ease.
Continually engage throughout the process, share updates and build trust.