Engagement partners can choose a number of ways to get back to respondents on the platform. You can do this on a 1-2-1 basis or respond to any number of targeted segments within your Commonplace audience to enable a constructive conversation with your community. Respondents really value engagement partners who close the loop.
Acknowledging feedback and comments is crucial for building trust with the community.
This may be answering a simple question or providing a bit more context. Using the reply feature, you can respond either publicly or privately to feedback left on your consultations.
Sometimes, there can be thousands of comments to reply to in a project. This is where our grouping tool comes in handy.
Segment respondents by postcode, sentiment, or theme to help you construct a response to groups at a time in your community.
Any respondent on your engagement can subscribe to receive automatic updates whenever anybody agrees or responds to their comments.
The result? People who comment on a Commonplace are 5x more likely to participate again in the future.
Promote and build awareness of your engagements and get more people to participate.
Collect suggestions and ideas from your community on a range of different topics
Explore and understand real-time community insight with ease.
Continually engage throughout the process, share updates and build trust.