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Commonplace 2.0 Product Webinar

Take data reporting to the next level with Commonplace 2.0

Live: 07 July 2022, 11.00am - 12.00pm GMT

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Maxime Dendeleux Sam Campion

Please get in contact with your Customer Sucess Manager to access the webinar, or email us at

This webinar is an exclusive one dedicated to our customers and partners.

In the last 12 months, the Commonplace platform has seen a major transformation. Changes to the overall look and feel, as well as the introduction of engagement-enhancing features, have all been designed with you and your users in mind. 
As the platform has evolved many of you, our customers, have come along the journey with us.
This next instalment of exclusive customer training will focus on how Commonplace 2.0 has enhanced your reporting capabilities. 
Extracting and presenting the correct data in the most effective way is crucial for decision-making in your projects.
Join us as we explore all things data reporting with Commonplace 2.0!

Your Webinar hosts:
Max Dendeleux - Product Manager, Commonplace
Sam Campion - Quality Assurance Engineer
Don't forget:
By 30th June 2022, all projects will be launched on Commonplace 2.0, using the all-new Commonplace platform, so we wanted to give you an exclusive look around to prepare you for what is to come.