With a fully equipped engagement hub...
It's easy for visitors to find out all the information about your project with a customisable, east to navigate engagement hub. From breaking news, to your project timeline, to vital details - it's all in one place.
+22 more Reach features
With a wide range of survey capabilities
Choose from single/multiple choice, sentiment rating, free text, image options and more. Tailor options, capture voice comments and boost engagement.
+38 more Engage features
With ease and speed
Monitor the performance of your consultations. At a glance, you'll see a chart of each question and understand which demographics you are reaching as well as who you are missing.
+ 15 more Analyse features
With real time, automated moderation
Comments are moderated automatically and in real time to ensure that there is no violation of the Acceptable Use Policy. In particular, abuse, profanity and personal information will be flagged for review and edited, redacted or deleted where necessary before publishing.
+ 14 more Collaborate features