With a fully equipped engagement hub...
It's easy for visitors to find out all the information about your project with a customisable, easy to navigate engagement hub. From breaking news, to your project timeline, to vital details - it's all in one place.
+22 more Reach features
With our Showcase Features
Construct dynamic images complete with hover zones, strategically placed hotspots and other interactive elements. Whatever you want to show, we've got you covered.
+38 more Engage features
And keep in touch with respondents
We'll help you get your respondents reengaged! All commenters automatically receive follow up emails to their contribution to keep them updated on the project.
+ 14 more Analyse features
With the support of our team
We've got your back! Every Commonplace has ongoing support from our engagement experts, which includes daily training sessions and dedicated kick off and launch workshops. If you ever have a question, we'll be right there.
+ 14 more Collaborate features