With a fully equipped engagement hub...
It's easy for visitors to find out all the information about your project with a customisable, easy to navigate engagement hub. From breaking news, to your project timeline, to vital details - it's all in one place.
+22 more Reach features
At pace with QuickPolls
Want a quick view of community sentiment? With these flash polls, there's no registration required- perfect for asking short, simple questions to a much wider audience.
+38 more Engage features
With the power of GeoCoding
By simply asking a postcode question or running a map survey, you will gather the ward, borough, district, parish and street attached to these locations. You can now take your analysis to the next level and separate your data per area.
+ 15 more Analyse features
By keeping people up to date with developments
Publish news about your project for everyone who visits your Commonplace to see! Updates will automatically be sent to your subscribed audience as well. Perfect for introducing new phases, sharing insights and announcing events.
+ 14 more Collaborate features