Create a thriving educational environment with Commonplace. By fostering collaboration between schools, local authorities, and residents, we empower communities to shape the future of education. Our platform enables residents to actively participate in decision-making, ensuring that schools meet the needs of the community. Through interactive tools, residents can share their aspirations for local education, while gaining a deeper understanding of educational challenges and opportunities. Local authorities can leverage valuable resident insights to prioritise initiatives, allocate resources effectively, and create a supportive learning environment for all students. Together, we can build stronger communities and equip young people with the knowledge and skills they need to succeed.
Using existing Commonplace audiences
See how many people might already be interested in leaving their views. We have existing audiences that have opted in to hearing about projects in their area. They're ready to hear about yours too.
+ 22 more Reach features
With GamingAI protection
We have a number of validation measures in place to stop any person or group from spamming your engagement. Commonplace's GamingAI detects suspicious activity, and block users who are violating the Acceptable Use Policy.
+ 38 more Engage features
With our Contributions Dashboard
Monitor the performance of your consultations. At a glance, you'll see a chart of each question and understand which demographics you are reaching as well as who you are missing.
+ 15 more Analyse features
With the support of our team
We've got your back! Every Commonplace has ongoing support from our engagement experts, which includes daily training sessions and dedicated kickoff and launch workshops. If you ever have a question, we'll be right there.
+ 14 more Collaborate features