Invite your team members to collaborate on Commonplace
Commonplace is built around the idea of collaboration. Our mission is to connect communities with the places where they live work and play.
Now, you can also collaborate with your team when it comes to setting up and managing your Commonplace profile. Getting your Commonplace just right is critical to generating the expected level of engagement and conversion from the community.
And so we recommend working as a team on the finished article to maximise you and your colleagues' combined skills. We have the following roles available on Commonplace:
You can easily invite your colleagues with a click of a button: 'invite team member'. You'll be asked what kind of role you'd like that user to have and then enter their email address to send the invitation. The invitation will expire after seven days and so there's the option to resend it, if you need. Equally, you can remove users who no longer require access.
There's a number of different skillsets you'll need during the lifecycle of your Commonplace project, so do consider who to invite to help out with different aspects of the set up and management of your Commonplace:
Be sure to keep your team page up to date. If for any reason one of your team departs from your organisation, you'll want to be sure that only the people which should have access do. Our platform helps you remain fully GDPR compliant throughout the community engagement process.
If any of your team members require training, help or support on the platform, don't hesitate to get in touch with your Customer Success manager.
The Commonplace Product Team