Launch your Commonplace to a pre-engaged audience
We've recently introduced a new launch email sequence, which means you can invite users from nearby Commonplaces to contribute to your new project.
This has a number of great benefits for you and your team:
With over 1 million contributions made on Commonplace so far (and counting...!), we have engaged users up and down the country who are keen to hear about your next digital community consultation. We typically find that email is the best engagement channel for attracting visits and contributions to your Commonplace project.
The great thing with Commonplace is that we have a number of additional email avenues you can make use of:
There's plenty of other ways for us to maximise your campaign reach. We can help with all of the following, just ask for more details:
Back to the new launch email... it's super easy to make use of, simply let us know the date on which you'd like to launch your Commonplace and we can schedule the email accordingly.
You have nothing to lose, so be sure to ask your Customer Success Manager to take advantage of this feature when your Commonplace goes live.
Just to reassure you... Commonplace is fully GDPR compliant and ensures that emails such as this are only sent to individuals who have given their consent to be reached about new Commonplaces.
The Commonplace Product Team