Did you know that you can embed any Commonplace tile into another website?
Just like the survey below!
How to use Commonplace Embed
It gives your visitors a seamless experience as they do not have to leave your website. It provides an easy user journey focused on contributions. And it works for map and proposal surveys.
How does it work?
Commonplace Embed works like an Iframe but focuses on the contributions flow only, by removing the ability for users to navigate out to other pages of the projects. This allows you to have individual surveys on your own websites.
Accessing the functionality is very easy:
1. Create your map or proposal tile as you normally do on Commonplace
2. Add ?embed=true at the end of the proposal or map URL
For example. The standard URL for a proposal tile might be: https://yourproject.commonplace.is/proposals/user-test/step1
To be able to add it as an Iframe add: ?embed=true to the end: https://yourproject.commonplace.is/proposals/user-test/step1?embed=true
And it will activate the functionality!