Use “News” throughout the life of your project

By David Janner-Klausner | 08/12/16 08:30
1 min read
Many Commonplace clients already use the “News” feature to keep members of the public informed about what’s happening on their project or consultation. We now make it possible to continue to do this after the Commonplace closes for comments, right to the end of your licence period.
Typical “News” items include:
- Notices of public meetings
- Reports on the progress of a planning and/or consultation process
- Summaries of Commonplace responses
- Report at the close of the consultation period.
Why? Many Commonplace sites remain available after they closed for comments. The sites are there as a point of reference and record, reminding where necessary what the public said and creating a chain of accountability stretching the pre-planning Needs Analysis phase. For example, the public realm works for the Mini Holland projects in Waltham Forest are well underway - and the Commonplaces that were used to gather public views remain accessible and provide a transparent chain of reference and accountability.
If you are an existing customer, and would like to add News to your Commonplace, contact us so we can switch this feature on for you free of charge. You can then add news through your “Admin” area at your own convenience. If you are interested in learning more about Commonplace, click the button below to schedule a one-to-one demo with one of our community engagement experts.