Making it easier to record and share survey results

By Fee Schmidt-Soltau | 20/03/15 15:00
1 min read
Commonplace is about inclusion and making it easier to capture people’s voices. Some Commonplace projects combine traditional consultation with the Commonplace platform by recruiting surveyors to conduct interviews with target groups.
To make the interviewing process easy and record responses directly on Commonplace we’ve added a new feature, a survey page specific for interviewers to quickly and easily capture conversations with interviewees. The key difference is that the interviewees do not have to sign up to Commonplace individually.
To ensure the integrity of data input, the interviewer needs to have a special “Survey Permission” activated. To get the permission, make sure you are registered on Commonplace and then ask the project administrator or Commonplace to activate it. To start surveying simply login to Commonplace and follow the following steps.
Start the survey
If you’re logged into the Commonplace project and were given the ‘survey permission’ you will see a link in the “Admin” menu on the top right to record a ‘Survey’.
Set the location
First things first. Set or select the location. Depending on the project type you’ll be prompted to set a location via the map or select a location from a dropdown.
Record responses
Ask questions, record responses. The survey form is grouped into contexts, which allows you to skip and navigate to relevant questions easily.
Stay in touch
Future engagement made easy. Use the last section of the survey form to specify the preference of the interviewee for future engagement. If the interviewee would like to be kept informed about project updates or add comments themselves, enter their email address in the field provided. Upon submitting the survey, an invitation email will be send to the interviewee with instructions on how to complete their commonplace registration.
Thanks to our friends Amy, Julie and Iain at Waltham Forest for working with us on this feature and letting us shadow them for an afternoon to see the survey feature in action.
This is a new feature. If you encounter any issues or have any suggestions for the survey page, please get in touch. We would love to hear your thoughts.